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Proteome Letters

ISSN: 2432-2776

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Proteome Letters 2019;4(1):1–48


Metabolome Analysis by Single Cell Mass Spectrometry

Yoshihiro Shimizu1, Yasmine Abouleila1, Ahmed Ali1, Kaoru Onidani2, Tomonobu Watanabe1, Arno Germond1, Kazufumi Honda2

1. RIKEN center for Biosystems Dynamics Research
2. Department of Biomarkers for Early Detection of Cancer, National Cancer Center Research Institute

Released: Jul. 19, 2019

Comprehensive Paper

Clinical Implications Associated with the Oxidative Modification-Induced Functional Impairment of Albumin in Oxidative Stress-Related Diseases

Hiroshi Watanabe1,2, Tadashi Imafuku2, Toru Maruyama1,2

1. Faculty of Life Science, Kumamoto University
2. Department of Biopharmaceutics, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University

Released: Jul. 19, 2019


The Functions of Plant Basic 7S Globulin

Hisashi Hirano1,2, Kiyotaka Fujita1,2

1. Gunma Paz University, Graduate School of Health Science
2. Advanced Medical Science Research Center

Released: Jul. 19, 2019


Metabolome Analysis of Human Plasma by GC-MS/MS in a Large-scale Cohort

Daisuke Saigusa1,2, Naomi Matsukawa1,2, Shu Tadaka1,3, Ikuko N Motoike1,3, Seizo Koshiba1,2

1. Tohoku University Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization
2. Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
3. Graduate School of Information Sciences

Released: Jul. 19, 2019


Quantification of Extracellular Vesicle Proteins by Targeted Proteomics and Search for Novel Colorectal Cancer Markers

Takashi Shiromizu1,2, Takeshi Tomonaga2

1. Department of Integrative Pharmacology Graduate School of Medicine Mie-University
2. Laboratory of Proteome Research, National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition

Released: Jul. 19, 2019